

Part of dentistry that is responsible for educating and applying minimally invasive treatments to prevent future diseases or their complications.

Preventive orthodontics is that which aims to carry out a series of actions to preserve the integrity of the occlusion. It is the part of Orthodontics that acts before the appearance of deviations when the diagnosis tells us that these are going to occur. Within this type of orthodontics we would find the space maintainers, used when pieces of milk (or even permanent ones) are lost prematurely and we do not want the space to be lost. Extraction of supernumerary or ankylosed teeth (permanently attached to the bone) could also be carried out.

At what age is orthodontics recommended for children?

From 7 to 11 years old is the best age to guide the correct growth of the jaws, which is why regular check-ups with the dentist during childhood are so important. Orthodontics in children is highly recommended as it allows us to correct problems related to dental position and bones in time.

The execution of orthodontic procedures in the early dentition allows us to reduce alterations and occlusion problems, minimising the treatment that will be needed not only during childhood but also in the adult dentition. The best way to help the correct growth of the teeth of the youngest is to consult an orthodontist and anticipate the problems that may arise.